In third place came Askey for her spooky illustration "Lost" (photo coming soon!)
Second place went to Bunny for her incredible "Alice in Wonderland" art shoes

... but the winner of the challenge was Seaurchin for her awesome ceramic Frog Prince

The other excellent entrants were:
"The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon" embroidered bag by Stitchworks

"Cinderella" photograph by Tiinateaspoon (photo coming soon!)
"Princess Painting" by MadameBogg

"Fairytale" illustration by Askey (image coming soon!)
"The birth of Thumbelina" drawing and "Little Mermaid" necklace by SakuraFubukiDesigns
(photos coming soon!)
"Red Riding Hood" painting by NovemberMoon

"Fairytale" notecards by Alicub (photo coming soon!)
Transforming "Pumpkin Carriage" by CharlotteNarunsky

A very bling "Gingerbread Man" by Memake

Siamese twin art dolls by TheDevilsWallpaper (photo coming soon!)
"The Elf's New Shoes" and "Anansi and the Ant" tie by KoolKookyKreatures

"The Snow Queen" by LAMdesigns

"Little Red Riding Hood" earrings and necklace by Honeybeedz

"Little Red Munkie Hood" modelling a shawl by AmandaWilliamsDesign who didn't want to get left out of this month's challenge!

"Fairytales" collage by Rosehip71

"Snow Queen Coronet" by BlueMarmalade

"Once Upon a Time" textile artwork by Lupin
"A Long Tale" and "High Tea" photos by SugarSnaps

"Thumbelina" by PinkAngel (photo coming soon!)
"The Little Mermaid" art quilt by Swirlyarts

And last but not least...
"Gingerbread Men" playset by Lovealittle

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